Life After Divorce: A Survival Guide


with Karen Covy, Divorce Attorney, Adviser, Mediator and Coach

Divorce. How do you feel when you read the word?

Some of the things we must do to make us stronger and more whole are often some of the hardest, most emotionally exhausting decisions a person must make. Divorce is one of those decisions. And even though in the last 50 years it’s become less taboo, it certainly doesn’t feel any easier.

If you’ve been there, as I have, you can likely attest to how traumatic it can be. You can also confirm how necessary it truly is when you’ve made the decision. For that reason, in this week’s video I sat down with Divorce Attorney, Adviser, Mediator and Coach, Karen Covy to discuss Marriage and the ways to make it stronger, and in the case of divorce, how you can prepare for it.

To follow Karen and learn more visit her here:

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